Is signature required for delivery?
      All orders $500 or 5 items or more require a signature confirmation upon delivery. All other orders do not require a signature upon delivery. 
When will my card be charged?
      Your card will be charged when your order ships.
      Once you've completed your order, you'll immediately receive an email confirming your order has been received. We will send you another email to notify you when your order has been shipped and we've charged your card.
Can I make changes to my order?
      We do apologize for the inconvenience, however, we are unable to make changes to your order. 
      If your order has not been processed out yet, what we can do is cancel the current order so you can make a brand new order with which you prefer. However, if the order has been processed for shipping, we will be unable to cancel the order. 
      Please contact our Customer Support Team to request a cancellation.